ALBERT BURGESS


Albert Burgess was not a policeman.  He was a part-time unpaid special constable.  He did not have the same training that a policeman has.

Albert Burgess is a compulsive liar.  He does not seem to be able to write anything or open his mouth without telling lies.  He has known, at least from 2008, that his treason campaign was and still is a complete waste of time.  He knew that none of his so-called “evidence” indicated that any of the existing treason laws had been broken by former cabinet ministers, so what did he do?  He made up a law.  That's right!  He made up a law – Common Law treason; but there is no such thing.  Then, having made up a law, he urged people to make a thorough nuisance of themselves by reporting it in police stations up and down the country.

He has been deliberately playing games or else he genuinely believes, in his infantile way, that if enough people pester enough policemen in enough police stations that a law which he made up will somehow become the law.  Well, laws are not made in this way and, hopefully, they never will be.  The idea of jailing people because Albert Burgess thinks they should be jailed is absurd. We do not have trial by internet or trial by lynch mob.

Our Constitution enshrines certain principles such as habeas corpus, the right to trial by jury (for serious offences), and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law.  Albert Burgess does not understand the if a trial is to take place at all it must be a fair trial - and a fair trial is one in which members of the jury have not been prejudiced against the defendant/s beforehand.  Nationwide campaigns proclaiming peoples’ guilt are foolish in the extreme.  Albert Burgess' attempts to subvert the Constitution have failed miserably and they will go on failing.

                                                                                                                                                                                             April, 2015.


          Albert Burgess had several                                                      

          “campaign managers” over

          the years.  One of them was

          Michael Clayton who started

          a poster and leaflet campaign.

          Here are two of the posters..


          Albert Burgess had a website called A Case for Treason.                   

          The website administrators were Rick Margetts and

          someone called Ray.

          These three pages were copied from the website.

          Albert Burgess and Rick Margetts were reported to

          the police for wasting police time.

          Thames Valley Police : crime number MT/3960690/11.

          Soon afterwards the pages were removed from the
