Albert Burgess had a forum on his website. The forum members were allowed to use their “profile” section to write anything they liked, completely uncensored, and put links to other websites. It was set up like this to attract a lot of people; then Albert Burgess could boast about the large number of forum members. However, most of them had no interest in his treason campaign. They joined to get free advertising.
_____Original Message_____
From: A Case For Treason – Dedicated Forum
To: jenny-
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011
Hi Fellow Patriots..........
From: Jenny Harvey
To: A Case for Treason
Sent: 06 May 2011
I have already asked you to remove me from the membership forum list. However, it seems this has not been done otherwise I doubt if I would have received this email. I told you that I could not be associated in any way with a website which allowed forum members free advertising for such filthy stupid muck as how to loose belly fat, double your dating and breast enlargement without surgery. On checking the list this morning I see that some of the muck has been taken off but a fair amount of it is still there. JM Medders -
I can see the hand of Common Purpose at work as well. Why else would you allow free advertising for NLP? Melinda -
Is it not the aim of Common Purpose to ensure that nothing works? Well, you have certainly done a good job there. As I have said before the website is a complete shambles. It is hard to see how you could have designed a worse website. There is some complete twaddle on the home page lifted from the British Constitution Group. It ends by stating that they are calling for a rebellion in accordance with article 61 of Magna Carta, 1215. Really! So what are they doing about it? Precisely nothing. Why have they not got together a committee of barons?
When I tried to become a member at the login on the home page it did not work, so I gave up on it -
The evidence is a complete mess. It is not at all clear who is writing what to whom or what the significance of it is. I do not understand any of it, and I doubt if the police do either. You cannot blame them for not referring it to the CPS. There is nothing to refer. The whole lot needs to be sorted out.
I am getting behind the campaign. I am telling you that it will not work until you get your house in order. If I did not care about it I would not bother to write to you. I would be willing to help in sorting out the website and wading through some of the mess but you have to get rid of ALL the muck I have referred to FIRST. Jenny
From: albert burgess
To: jenny harvey ; rick.m@voteforit.orq
Sent: May 10, 2011
(It is clear from this email that Albert Burgess knew that sedition had been repealed and yet he was still urging people to report it in police stations.)
The book is Constitutional and Administrative Law by Bradley and Ewing you can get it in any good book shop or from Amazon. Rick a week ago phoned me to say he had removed a lot of the adds but they are coming in faster than he can delete them, he is trying to get more help with the website so that this can be done as they come in. I have already explained that the website is not the only thing in our lives we have to deal with, we all have family's work and other commitments to deal with. I do not think bearing these things in mind that the tone of your emails is helpfull, all the information to report treason is on the site including the definitions of treason and sedition.
Sedition has now been repealed I am trying to find out why from the law commission. We are dealing with a large number of people all over the country and some overseas if things do not happen when you want them to I am very sorry but you really will have to be patient. You may be interested in attending the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand at 10 am on the 23 May the Lords are having their case heard. It should be interesting. Albert
From: jenny-
To: albertburgess@.....Cc rick@.....
Date: 12 May 2011 :
I do not understand your reasoning for not taking the rubbish off the website. You seem to suggest that because both you and Rick have families that somehow your self respect and standards of decency decline. I thought, if anything, they would increase but that is just my opinion. Anyway, it would take very little effort and time. All that needs to be done is the complete removal of the forum membership list. I find the notion that the ads are coming in faster than Rick can deal with them to be ludicrous. Both you and Rick know this is not true. There is no need to tell lies. If you go to the forum membership page you will find that people are joining it at the rate of about one per week or less -
I do not have to be patient because I am not asking you to do anything. If you wish to leave the website as it is then that is your decision. I am just informing you of what I intend to do. I still have some self respect and as a consequence I cannot be a member of the forum any longer.
I see you still have the BCG twaddle on the home page. It states that Her Majesty has been forced into the destruction of her kingdom. How do they know that? What evidence do they have that she was forced to do anything? They have also stated that we should not at this time question her actions. Why not? They should have been questioned every day, with headlines in every newspaper, since we joined the EU. And then there is the claim that they are calling for a rebellion in accordance with article 61 of the Magna Carta, 1215. Poppycock. They are not doing anything of the kind. But please do not claim I am impatient for you to remove this nonsense. If you wish to loose all credibility as soon as people come to the website then just leave it there.
I have to inform you that you are certainly not dealing with a large number of people. There are less than a hundred members of the forum (I do not know how many members there are of the login on the home page as I was unable to join it.) At least half the forum members have never made any contribution so they could be got rid of. Of the remainder some have joined only to advertise themselves and other websites. If they are got rid of that leaves about ten to fifteen genuine members. So the number of people you are really dealing with is tiny.
Laws are not laws because Albert Burgess says they are and has written a definition of them on his website. I bought the Constitutional and Administrative Law book by Bradley and Ewing last November. The only reference to treason is on page 170. It states that a person convicted of treason may not stand for parliament. Treason does not seem to be a common law crime. The information about sedition is on pages 509-
P. S. Regarding the upcoming poster campaign, is this really such a good idea? Accusing people, so publicly, of serious crimes before they have been tried and convicted of anything is not a wise thing to do. You may all end up in court for defamation and libel.
(Coroners and Justice Act 2009 section 73.)
From: albert burgess
To: jenny harvey
Sent: 12 May 2011
I have tried to explain that we have many other things in our lives than the website, we simply do not have the time to jump every time you demand we jump. If you believe I am in this for personnel glorification you could not be further from the truth. Since starting this I have spent a great deal of money I can't afford and because my wife is anti what I am doing done considerable damage to my marriage. But you must do what ever you feel is right for you but being abusive to us will get you precisely nowhere. If you don't like the site don't go on it, it is that simple. Albert
From: Jenny Harvey
To: lincspatriot@.....Cc: A Case For Treason; ray@.....albert burgess;.....thebcgroup.....editor@ukcolumn
Sent: July 09, 2011
To Michael Clayton. Albert Burgess is a liar and his treason campaign is a fraud. He is urging people to report the common law crime of treason and the common law crime of sedition to the police; but neither of these crimes exist. In the second video on the home page of his website he lies to the audience by implying that there is such a thing as a common law crime of treason. He, of all people, must have known that this was not true .
The common law crime of sedition was repealed in 2009 -
He keeps telling people they should report crime to the police, so I did. I reported him for wasting police time. I wrote to Scotland Yard and I will write to regional police forces if necessary. I hope they prosecute him under Section 5 of the Criminal Law Act 1967. At least this law does actually exist, unlike the phoney laws that he goes on about.
Fortunately we do not yet live under the tyranny of an Albert Burgess style Gestapo. If Albert thinks people have done something wrong, then round them up and string them up. And if there are no laws to fit their actions just make them up! Nor do we live in the police state advocated by Brian Gerrish -
Your poster and leaflet campaign proclaiming people guilty of serious crimes is irresponsible and ridiculous. You may find yourself in court for defamation of character and libel. It would not be so bad if the crimes actually existed BUT THEY DO NOT. Jenny Harvey
To: albert burgess; thebcgroup; Jenny Harvey
Cc: rick@.....lincspatriot@.....ray@.....ukcolumn
Sent: July 15, 2011
Dear Jenny, I understand that you have a disagreement with several people with a matter that does not involve me. I respect some of the people you clearly do not respect. Under these circumstances, I would prefer that you do not contact me again. Sincerely, Judith Hitchin
From: Jenny Harvey
To: J HITCHIN.....Cc: davebarnby@.....d.laybourne@.....
Sent: 03 January 2012
I did not contact you. It was Albert who added your name to the list. I thought you should know the outcome of the police investigation. Obviously Albert has a few loose screws and needs some kind of help. There is no doubt that he is a compulsive liar. Or perhaps he knows exactly what he is doing and has been playing silly games with everyone -
I first reported his activities to the police in a letter I sent to Scotland Yard. It was about eight weeks before I received a reply. They said that they were not going to do anything as they were not aware of treason being reported in the metropolitan area. So Albert is probably lying when he claims it has been reported in seventy police stations, but then he lies about most things.
I then wrote to Thames Valley Police. A copy of this letter is attached. Again, several weeks went by and they could not even confirm that they had received it so I had to resend it. Eventually they began an investigation and I was given a crime number. The outcome is this. They have to tread a line between upholding the law and allowing freedom of speech and they have decided not to take action at this time. However, the situation is being kept under review and so they may bring prosecutions at a later date.
Another reason why they do not wish to prosecute, and I entirely agree with them on this point, is that they do not want to make a martyr of him. He would play that one to the hilt! Poor Albert! Trying to do the right thing and being harassed by the police!
So, there it is. If he carries on urging people to commit criminal offences then he and Rick Margetts may be charged with wasting police at a later date. Yours sincerely, Jenny Harvey
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