Mel Ve, to her credit, has realized that Brian Gerrish is a fraud.  Apart from that she seems to be completely bonkers.  This is evidenced by the type of people she has had on her show (or associated with in the past).  Here is a list of just some of them:-

Dr. Judith Wood  (a fantasist with ideas about some strange new energy)

Kevin Annette  (a complete fraud, there is no International Common Law Court)

Heather Tucci who tried to close down all the banks, corporations, and governments!

Jordan Maxwell  (thoroughly debunked – see You Tube videos)

David Icke  (a charlatan – see You Tube videos)

A raving lunatic who talked about the Lizard/Jesuit axis that is running the world!

and many, many others.  Mel Ve does not check anyone out before she jumps on their band-wagon. But how could she, being crazy herself?  Here is some blurb she has added to one of her You Tube videos which shows that she has more than a few loose screws:-   

One of the comments on the blog following the video sums it all up:-

“The OPPT was just a scam, the UCC filings were not accepted.  Swissindo is just another scam, the QEG is also a scam, none of the promises made by the OPPT came true……….you really like pushing scams!”

*          *          *

Brian Kelly announced that “Free energy is Here” but this never materialised.  He has a new project called “Even in Doubt Project”.  His mission is to “inspire the world, especially the younger generation, to take a leap in pursuing their purpose, living their passions, and creating global change, even in total doubt”.

Heather Tucci produced false documents for claiming vast amounts of money from banks - naturally, no-one received the billions she had promised them.

This is a quote from her blog: “THE WILL OF I AM: NOW, ALL I AM, BE AND DO I AM!!! THE WORK OF I AM: I AM!!”

(information from Rationalwiki)




     Apparently there is a  “God Sky Earth” project in which Mel Ve holds the

     position  of “Head of Media”.  She is the narrator in this very slick video.  She

     talks about respect for the global population but notice how the picture with

     hands linked to wrists is exclusively white - no black or brown people.  Mel Ve

     makes sweeping statements  - claiming that there are four main media outlets in

     the USA which are all controlled by the CIA which is, in turn, controlled by the

     Vatican.  She does not present a scrap of evidence to back up these ludicrous      

assertions.  She then babbles on about ethical standards in journalism for the whole world and seems to think that she, and

this CVAC outfit, can decide what they are.  When did they acquire the right to boss round the whole world?  What if people do

not adhere to Mel Ve’s standards, and what makes her think that the world would be a better

place with her in charge of it?